Sunday, February 12, 2012


One of the best presents I got this year for Christmas was my Kindle Fire. I didn't ask for it, or even consider it, but it is honestly exactly what I wanted. First of all, it lets me buy books and read them whenever I want....nerd alert. Secondly (and embarrassingly more important), it allows me to get apps. Yes, I know I'm behind on the times. While literally ALL of my friends have a smart phone of some sort, I'm cruising through life with my ENV2. Most people had that phone a couple years ago, but honestly I'm just happy to have a phone with a keyboard. I've always been behind when it comes to phones, but I never thought anything much about it until everyone could play games and get on the internet on their phones. Now every time I'm stuck in a waiting room or any other situation where I have nothing to do, I internally panic. Essentially the ONLY thing I can do on my phone is text or look at my own pictures I've taken (the majority of which are of my pets). That's why I freaked out when I realized with my Kindle I could now play words with friends and angry birds. It's sad, but it's very true. 

I lived in the thrill and excitement of these apps during Christmas break, and was happy that I could continue to use them at school. There was only one small apartment has no wireless. Words with Friends? Sorry if I don't play back for a week or so. Buying new books? Won't be able to happen on a whim. The only places I can get wifi are random areas on campus. I have no need to bring my Kindle to campus every day so it only makes the trek sometimes. When I finally brought it to campus the other day, I realized I had about 10 Words with Friends games to finish and was ready to get some books to read. I browsed the books until I realized there was an entire section of free books. This made me SO happy considering my current financial state, and I began downloading as many free books as possible. I started reading them that night and soon realized there was a reason they were all free. Every book was either a borderline erotic novel or the cheesiest romantic comedy ever written. Titles like "Sleeping with Paris" and "The Runaway Bride Returns" were suddenly clogging up my memory space. I began deleting books immediately. Amazon does have a bunch of free literary classics, but I'm not a fan of reading Uncle Tom's Cabin or The Scarlet Letter for pleasure.

 My adoration for the kindle began to subside and annoyance took its place. I still use it for games and even splurged the other day on a book. But when you read a book in one sitting, buying lots of books can get expensive very quickly. I realize I'm technologically a step up from before, but I now know that the Kindle Fire can never fulfill all the roles I wanted it to fill. And while everyone is out on their iphones and driods checking Twitter and Facebook, I think I'll just stay content looking at pictures of my dog and texting on my keyboard.

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